kiarash ghazvini; Masoud Youssefi; Masoud Keikha
Introduction: Tuberculosis is remained as global challenge which is considered as the top cause of human death in worldwide. The presence of lower respiratory tracts microflora can modulate immune response and play important role in susceptibility to TB. The aim of study was comparison ...
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Introduction: Tuberculosis is remained as global challenge which is considered as the top cause of human death in worldwide. The presence of lower respiratory tracts microflora can modulate immune response and play important role in susceptibility to TB. The aim of study was comparison of microbial diversity in lower respiratory tracts microflora of pulmonary tuberculosis patinas and healthy individuals. Methods: In this study, the raw sequences of SRR493275 and SRR493275 were retrieved from European Bioinformatics Institute online database. Then, the raw sequences were filtered by their quality (adapter contamination, low quality as well as low complexity reads) and taxonomic analyzed by online websites including Galaxy/CRS4 and KAIJU online servers. The statistical analysis was conducted to evaluate the presence of significant microbial diversity between two groups. Results: We found that microbial taxa were similar between TB and normal except Tenericutes which supplemented in microflora of pulmonary tuberculosis cases. Moreover, the abundance of bacterial genera is significantly divers between TB and healthy groups. Conclusion: There is significant diversities in the lower respiratory tracts microflora of TB and controls. Increasing the abundance of anaerobic genera in TB patients may be suppressed immune response and essential for susceptibility to active pulmonary tuberculosis.