I wish to submit a manuscript, what all stuff I need for submission and how do I go about?
• Prepare manuscript as per the instructions provided by the journal.
• Prepare a file which includes covering letter, title page, details of contributions of individual authors, acknowledgement, support, etc. This file should be submitted as 'First Page' file.
• Prepare article in a separate file (Article File); do not include any information that will reveal your identity; do not incorporate images in this file; do not include any information which can reveal your identity.
• Keep photographs ready as jpeg images (or other image format).
• Click on Submit New Article - go ahead till completion.
What are the formats compatible with online submission?
• For article files please use .doc or .docx files.
• For images please use .jpeg, or .gif files.
• Do not include a zip or compressed file.
Why is this 'first page' file separate?
• To ensure a double-blinded review, no information that can reveal your identity should be included in the 'Article File'. The title page, covering letter, acknowledgement, etc. should be included in this 'First Page' file.
• Reviewers will receive only the 'Article File'.
While submitting a manuscript, on clicking 'Submit' button I received an error message 'Page can not be displayed' - what do I do?
• This is likely to be due to slow Internet connectivity.
• While the article files are being uploaded from your PC to our server a reasonably good connectivity is needed to transfer the file (smaller files will help here).
What would be the timeframe for review process?
• The Editors review all submitted manuscripts initially which is completed within one week.
• Manuscripts with insufficient originality, serious scientific flaws, or absence of importance of message are rejected.
• Other manuscripts are sent to two expert reviewers without revealing the identity of the contributors to the reviewers.
• Within a period of 3-6 weeks, the contributors will be informed about the decision.
I see that the due date for the phase has elapsed some time back, but I did not get the comments?
• The 'Likely exit date' are set as per the expected date for completion and is based the average days taken in the phase. Occasionally, we, our editors and reviewers, may not be able to complete the review process within the set deadline. However, the final review process would be completed, definitely, within 12 weeks.
How will I get the comments of the referee and editor?
• The comments of referee, editors and technical editors will be sent via email.
Can I submit a revised manuscript or proof via email?
• Yes.
How do I respond to articles received for proofs?
• Manuscripts for proof reading will be sent via email.
• Article file can be downloaded from email and corrected file can attached/uploaded again from here itself.
How secure is my data with this system?
• All the areas are accessible only through valid username and password.
• Author's details are strictly visible only to editorial staff.
I lost my password, how do I recover it?
• Click 'Forgot password' from home page, your password will be emailed to you.
Can I change my personal details, including email?
• Yes, from 'Change personal details'
Do I have to create a new login for each new submission?
• No, once you have registered for this journal, you need not create separate login for each submission.
• If you forgot you password, retrieve it through the system.
How can I contact journal editor or staff?
• If you need any information, use 'Contact journal administrator'